Thursday, March 24, 2011

4 Applications that work on communication.

     Proloquo2Go--$189.99 Fully compatable with the iPhone & iPad
a.     Used on iphone, iPod touch, iPad – can use it on all three devices interchangeably without requiring user to purchase it twice.
b.     50% off discount for educators that buy 20 or more
c.      Voices –North American English/British male, female, girl &boy
d.     Version 1.5 includes word prediction (more beneficial for physical disabilities.
e.     If you want to try an intro to AAC for iPad you can try the TapToTalk application for Free.
f.      Grace – picture exchange for non-verbal people is also an option that is not as expensive for --$37.99
g.     Expressive 1.2 ACC -$34.99 
a.     Expressive is an entry-level, easy to use, and powerful app that allows children and adults with a speech impairment or a communication disorder to express their wants and needs through the use of pictures. It does not matter if an individual is having difficulty communicating due to autism, apraxia, stroke or any other communication disorder, Expressive will give that person the ability to express themselves through the use of pictured images and corresponding audio.
h.   There are already several apps available for children to use as a form of alternative communication. Users have to realize that it is not about which app has the most features, but which app best meets the needs of the individual child. Different children need different features.

2.     ABA Receptive Identification -- $0.99 Fully compatable with the iPhone & iPad
a.     Teaches features, function and class of items, people and places.
b. for a complete portfolio
c.      Good for categorization
d.     Also Which Does Not Belong? App

3.     Stories2Learn – $13.00 Fully compatable with the iPhone & iPad
Create personalized social stories that can be used for new concepts quickly.

a.     Play2Learn Spanish $1.99
Increase vocabulary in spanish

4.     Smart oral motor – $9.99 youtube Fully compatable with the iPhone & iPad
Works on oral motor skills benefiting children with Apraxia of Speech, feeding, and other difficulties. Provides the visual cues for practicing several oral motor exercises.  A total of 15 Oral motor exercises. 

More applications from Smarty ears.
a.     iPractice verbs
a.     WhQuestions
b.     Fluency Tracker
c.      Disfluency index counter
d.     iTake Turns
e.     Yes/No App
f.      Match2Say
g.     Articulate it!
h.     Smarty Speech-Spanish
i.       Sunny Articulation Test
j.       /r/intensive
                 You can find all of these applications @ or download it from the App                                          Store.


  1. Wow! It's really amazing to see all the options these devices give us and how it is really going to change how these kids learn at home and school! My district just ordered 20 iPad's and would like my imput on apps. Do you (or anyone else), have experience with an app that they now can't live without?!?

  2. Elaine,

    I guess it depends on what you AAC, communication skills, social skills, receptive language skills? Most of the apps are cheap because they work only on one specific skill.

  3. HI, Kevin -- It just amazes me every time I read your blog how technology really could change the face of autism for so many kids and families. The social stories application is fantastic!! You are doing a great job on this blog! thank you!

  4. Kevin,
    I didn't realize there were so many apps that can help us...I am definetly going to look into them further.

  5. Makes me want to buy an ipad just to play and see all these great apps.

